3D Movies Enduring Value, Delivering Entertainment Not Found at Home
Let's face it. 3D movies is an 9 billion dollar industry today.

There is no major Director or studio today that is not involved one way or another with stereoscopic 3D movies. That ncludes James Cameron, Cuarón, Favreau, Martin Scorsese, Ridley Scott, Ang Lee and many others.
3D may have suffered from bad conversions and dim projection, but interest from countries such as China and advances in display technology mean the format’s future is bright!
We are five years into the emergence of 3D as a major part of modern film viewing, and yet every year there remains the droning sound of some pundits predicting the demise of cinema's 3D "fad." When 2013 was predicted to be the first year witnessing a decline in 3D box office, entertainment media was quick to suggest this was finally evidence of the press' accuracy in insisting 3D was declining/dying/dead. But of course, despite the best efforts of opponents, 3D continues to contribute massively to global film receipts and won't be leaving any time soon
3D films comprised 12 of the top 13 highest-grossing films of this year so far, with those films amassing a huge $7.5+ billion and counting at the worldwide box office. The rest of 2014's 3D release have likewise contributed an additional $1+ billion to date, with several major 3D release still to come that should push the finally 3D box office tally over $10 billion and likely toward the $12 billion mark.
Ken Wilson

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